Watch Brock Lesnar Play Lunch Lady To These Hungry ESPN Employees

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Even though it happened back in April, this video of Brock Lesnar is just too good not to share. Lesnar took over the ESPN Snapchat account to do his best Lunch Lady Doris impression and serve their hungry employees breakfast, “country-style.” Complete with a sleeveless chef’s jacket and some bacon and waffle emojis, Lesnar only further proved my personal theory that he’s infinitely more terrifying when performing normal, everyday tasks than he is wrestling or beating people up for real.

I mean, you guys all saw him play with this adorable puppy, right? There’s something quietly unnerving about someone we usually only see as this big scary monster with a dick knife tattoo do completely mundane things. Lesnar quietly disapproving of someone’s omelette created such a tightness in my chest that I almost popped an Ativan on the spot.

The Former WWE World Heavyweight Champion has been dominating sports media lately after the news of his return to MMA broke. Lesnar is set to face off against Mark Hunt, who is already lobbing trash talk and some pretty serious allegations at his UFC 200 opponent. While I understand this video was ESPN’s Snapchat story cobbled together, I’m gonna go ahead and pretend Hunt is really just riled up about Lesnar filming in portrait instead of landscape.

(Via ESPN)