John Cena Honored A Young Cancer Survivor After ‘Raw’

John Cena and fan

It isn’t really news to anyone at this point, especially after he used July Fourth to spread a little Hustle, Loyalty, and Tolerance, but you know what, guys? John Cena is an incredible dude. After Raw came to a close last night, Cena invited a pediatric cancer survivor named Isaac to the ring and made him an honorary WWE Superstar. It was a very cool moment:

Say what you will about John Cena, he’s stale as a character or his run on top lasted too long or whatever, but here’s the thing: John Cena is what Hulkamania claimed to be. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but Hulk Hogan has never been what some might call a good person. John Cena IS training and vitamins, every day, and there’s something to be said for that. He works tirelessly for incredible foundations like Make-A-Wish, and doesn’t think he’s doing enough for them.

And even if it was a paid promotional piece, his recent Cricket Wireless prank shows how much Cena legitimately cares about his fans. Rewatch that video and watch his face when kids are explaining who John Cena is. It’s very cool. Maybe that’s why there isn’t a new ‘face of the WWE’ yet. Cena hasn’t just raised the bar on what that means; he’s locked that bar in a gentle STFU and hugged it into submission.

Really, my only problem with the guy is that Enzo and Cass showed up to save him from The Club and not those mariachi trumpet players from the Cricket video.