This Clip Of Donald Cerrone Going Super Saiyan At UFC 202 Is The Best Thing Ever

Two and a half weeks ago, Donald ‘Cowboy’ Cerrone lit up the undercard of UFC 202: McGregor vs Diaz, knocking out his opponent Rick Story with a crazy four move combo. It’s the kind of thing you usually only see in martial arts movies or fighting games: Cerrone flowed from a jab to a body shot to an uppercut and finished the attack off with a shin right to Story’s face.

The brutal combination knocked out his opponent and netted Cowboy his third $50,000 bonus in a row. It also inspired digital animation artist Ray Rod to give Cerrone the ol’ Super Saiyan treatment we’ve been seeing a lot in sports lately. This isn’t even the first time he’s mixed the worlds of Dragonball Z and MMA together. Back when Nate Diaz and Conor McGregor had their first match at UFC 196, he made this other slick Super Saiyan tribute to the two fighters:

Ray Rod is no one trick pony, either. He also did a great Pokemon Go inspired remix of Michael ‘Venom’ Page’s vicious knockout of Evangelista ‘Cyborg’ Santos at Bellator 158.

Pretty much everything this guy does is gold so go check out his Instagram page if you haven’t already, and be prepared to LOL.