Nestled within a fine segment on the polarization of our political process and the media that covers it, Trevor Noah gives us a glimpse at what a possible fight between the very elderly Joe Biden and Donald Trump would look like. The only problem is that the outcome would be reported in different ways depending on the outlet you typical get your news and information from. It isn’t anything new to see folks stay firmly in their bubble when it comes to the media they devour. That’s why several sites carry the same content, why news sites take different angles on the same story, and how plenty of news ends up falling by the wayside. Really, we’re to blame for our own media coverage these days and we’ve let it get to the point where Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton supporters can float with like minds at all times.
But back to this Biden/Trump fight. It might get a different take depending the outlet, but the reality of the event cannot be disputed and The Daily Show is spot on with its stand in for the showdown:
It’s like a cock fight without the feathers. You can’t help but watch despite an attempt to look away at every moment. The fact that this precedes the discussion on Newt Gingrich only highlights it because we go from the absurdity above to the confusion that is the existence of Newt Gingrich within our reality. The man has a track record that may rival Donald Trump, yet he continues to go out and speak. And he has no real horse in this race aside from a future cabinet position.
But yes, those two aspect of this Daily Show segment do get you off track from the main point, but Trevor Noah brings you back. We do live in our bubbles, we ignore the other side and blindly support our own, and the current candidates have used it to their advantage — namely Donald Trump. It’s why we’re at a place where one group of people seem to think it’s a good idea to pick up their muskets if they lose the election.
On November 8th, I'm voting for Trump.
On November 9th, if Trump loses, I'm grabbing my musket.
You in?
— Joe Walsh (@WalshFreedom) October 26, 2016
(Via The Daily Show)