Attending A World Series Game Is Officially An Acceptable Excuse For Skipping Your College Classes

Anyone who has attended college knows that professors that take roll are the worst. But it turns out not all of those roll-taking professors are evil villains set to ruin the world one semester at a time. Take, for example, R. Damian Nance at Ohio University.

Nance teaches a Geology course, and from the looks of it has a strict attendance policy that requires his students to swipe their student IDs before class and at the end of class. One of his students is Cleveland Indians fan Charles Turner, who got an incredible gift from his dad — tickets to Game 1 of the World Series for him and his brother. Unfortunately for Turner, the game clashed with class, and he had to make a choice between class and the game. His solution was to show up to class, swipe his card, turn in his homework and sneak out just in time to make it to the Series and catch Cleveland’s 6-0 Game 1 victory over the Cubs.

Of course, Professor Nance found out Turner left, and because he has a zero tolerance policy on deceit, he emailed his student to ask why he left class. And that’s when this happened:

When you’ve been through as much as Cleveland sports fans have, I guess you stick together no matter what.