Who Will Finish In The Top 10 Of GQ's 'Sexiest Women Of The 21st Century' List?

GQ will poke and prod and analyze the Internet’s collective boner by naming the “100 sexiest century women of the 21st century” in their next issue, featuring cover model Beyonce’s underboob. This is a massive undertaking, on the level of the Modern Library’s list of the best books of all-time, except GQ‘s mission is TIMELESS (at least until next century) and IMPORTANT. Were there any boobs in Ulysses? No, seriously, I’m asking; I couldn’t get past page 17. Anyway, James Joyce: so much sexier than Eva Mendes.

We don’t know GQ‘s rankings yet, so let’s have some fun and guess what their top 10 will look like. Remember, the list dates back to 2000, so it’s not going to be #10. Jennifer Lawrence, #9-1. Kate Upton, though that would be OK, too. Here are my predictions (though not my actual picks), and let us know yours.

#10. Kate Upton

#9. Megan Fox

#8. Rihanna

#7. Halle Berry

#6. Scarlett Johansson

#5. Britney Spears

#4. Penelope Cruz

#3. Beyonce

#2. Angelina Jolie

#1. Lindsay Lohan

OK, probably not #1, but I’d respect GQ that much more if they went with Lohan.

(Via Gawker. Photo credit: Terry Richardson/GQ)