It’s hard not to have an affection for giant insect movies. Granted, we’re not generally talking classics of film here, but then again, you don’t show up to a burger joint and complain about the lack of foie gras on the menu. And ‘Big Ass Spider!’ looks like one tasty burger.
Here’s the trailer, in all its cheesy glory:
In case you hadn’t guessed, it’s a story of a man and a spider trying to reconcile their forbidden love.
OK, OK, so it looks deliberately campy, but the movie itself is clearly shooting for a Tremors type vibe. Mike Mendez, the director, has a long career directing horror movies, and he’s also an experienced editor.
And if nothing else, seeing LA get destroyed by a giant alien spider is always a good time, especially in a movie where Satan has command of the military and our last hope is Eric from Alias.