It was a pretty bad week for ol’ Jim, karmically speaking.
Feeling a little bit down on yourself? Perhaps you overindulged in something this weekend? Already broken all your New Years resolutions? Well, don’t worry, you’re the Saint of Popetown compared Jim Skursky.
Skursky’s 5-year-old son set his shirt on fire while playing with a lighter (which, I’m guessing, belonged to his wonderful father). Give Jim credit, he did go to see his son in the hospital, but then give him about a thousand demerits, because after the visit he raided the hospital’s cabinets of every game console he could find, making off with an Xbox, PS3 and Wii.
Unfortunately, there are no reports of the earth cracking open and immediately sucking Jim Skursky down to hell — there’s just no justice in this world. At least his son is stable and reportedly “doing well”.
via WPXI Pittsburgh