In the wake of the capture of suspected Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, plenty of questions about yesterday’s incredible manhunt and standoff in Watertown, Massachusetts are still being asked. And while law enforcement officials are trying to answer the most important question – WHY? – people from around the country are still trying to help out the victims by donating their time and money.
Add to that growing list of causes David Henneberry, the man whose boat became the focal point of the nation last night, as it was the place where Tsarnaev was found hiding and seriously wounded. Henneberry found Suspect No. 2 in a pool of blood inside his boat after he stepped outside for a smoke and noticed something strange with the tarp. At that point, he ran inside to call the police and the rest is standoff history.
Today, people who watched that standoff began showing their appreciation for Henneberry’s act by sending him money to replace his $50,000 1980s pleasure boat, which Henneberry’s neighbor described to ABC News as “his baby”. As for the donations, people simply appreciate Henneberry’s coolness under extraordinary pressure.
Deborah Newberry, 62, of Orlando, Fla., has already put a $25 check in the mail to Henneberry’s home.
“Something told him to go and check things,” Newberry told “I just want him to know that people care about him because I know he’s probably the guy that would say, ‘Well, that’s okay.’ But I just would like him to know that we’re all thinking about him and appreciate his spirit.”
Additionally, 38-year old Florida lawyer John Phillips told ABC that he’s sending Henneberry a check for $1,000 to put toward his new boat, since this one, even if repairable, will be locked up as evidence. While there doesn’t seem to be a Kickstarter account established for Henneberry yet, there’s bound to be one within the next hour or so.