YouTube Video Helps Marine Score Date With Mila Kunis

Despite being Macaulay Culkin’s girlfriend for years, Mila Kunis seem like a pretty cool lady. Like, I’m sure I’d have no problem hanging out with her. At all. Since I never watched That 70s Show, she first crossed my radar when she appeared in Forgetting Sarah Marshall and I was like “WHOA who’s that?!” And then I saw her going down on Natalie Portman in the weird Black Swan film and I was all, “Um, yeah, I’d totally hang with her.”

And if all that weren’t enough, now her cool quotient is growing exponentially after she agreed to be a U.S. Marine’s date to a ball — a date he solicited the YouTube video below…

Reports HuffPo:

Sgt. Scott Moore, of the 3rd Battalion 2nd Marines in Musa Qala, Afghanistan, posted a video to YouTube last week asking the “Friends with Benefits” star to accompany him to the Marine Corps. Ball on November 18th in Greenville, North Carolina. It may have seemed a longshot at first, but thanks to the power of the internet, he now has a very famous date.

Fox News asked Kunis, who was with co-star Justin Timberlake at the time, if she had seen the video, and whether she’d attend the ball.

Timberlake, ever the ladies man, helped make it happen.

“Have you seen this? Have you heard about this? You need to do it for your country,” he told her. And even though Timberlake said he wouldn’t come along, Kunis confirmed that she’d be attending.

Ohhhhh Mila Kunis, how I do love you!


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