Zooey Deschanel Hates You, Anonymous Internet Commenter

Who’s that girl? It’s ZoeyHata69, and she’s going on and on about how Zooey Deschanel’s a “no good supa bitch and waz the deal w/ her face god allwaysmighty she is so uggo.” Thanks to people like that, in this month’s issue of Marie Claire, the New Girl star spoke at length about mean Internet commenters and how over them she is.

“It’s just attacking who I am. A lot of times it doesn’t have to do with what I get paid to do. It has to do with, ‘Oh, you stupid person.’ Even I get slammed and overwhelmed by how negative the Internet can get, and I’m an adult. They say, ‘You don’t belong, you don’t deserve this because here’s why, and let me find an intellectual argument for why you wearing pink or cuff sleeves or a bow makes you not worthy of your accomplishments. Everything you’ve done doesn’t matter because you wore the wrong thing or you speak in a way that’s feminine or you identify yourself as feminine.

And I just think that’s bullsh*t. And smart people are doing it, and that’s surprising to me. I’ll give them being smart, but they’re being very shortsighted. I don’t pay any mind to it, but it’s pretty shocking how when you give people anonymity – it’s like the worst of human nature.” (Via)

ZoeyHata69’s response: “I is smrt, u sh*t.” She makes a good point.

(via Getty Image) (Via Jezebel)