HBO has renewed “Veep” for a third season. The political comedy, starring Julia Louis-Dreyfus and created by Armando Iannucci, is three episodes into its second season, airing Sundays at 10 after “Game of Thrones.”
I never got a chance to do an advance review of “Veep” season 2, though Fienberg and I discussed it at length on the podcast. I had liked but not loved the first season, and even though Iannucci made several obvious and welcome tweaks for season 2 – making Selina more relevant to the presidential administration, bringing in ace guest stars like Gary Cole and Kevin Dunn – I actually found myself laughing less frequently at the new episodes than the old ones. (And Cole has, so far, been a total bust, which didn’t seem possible when I heard he’d be appearing this year.) But I’m glad it’s continuing, if only because I enjoy hearing these fine actors wrap their tongues around Iannucci’s clever, creatively profane dialogue.
I know some other critics feel this season’s been stronger than the first, so I’m curious what all of you who are watching think. Is “Veep” better, worse, or the same as it was last year?