Three months ago, DC Entertainment announced their partnership with Mattel to launch new franchise aimed at girls ages 6-12: DC Super Hero Girls.
Set in a kid-friendly alternate reality, DC Super Hero Girls will center on lady superheroes and supervillains as they navigate the treacherous waters of their teenage years and discover their full potential. Think of it as a mash-up between “Young Justice” and Monster High.
With Comic-Con about to kick into high gear, it”s the perfect time for DC and Warner Bros. to reveal more about the personalities that will inhabit this new world. HitFix Harpy got an exclusive first look inside the official website.
De-aged for their target audience, icons such as Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Batgirl, Harley Quinn, Bumblebee, Poison Ivy, and Katana will each have her own storyline, struggles, and personality quirks. Mattel definitely left the door open for more heroes and villains to join the team later on.
For now, the site is fairly minimalistic. Each of the main girls gets her own biography, complete with three core personality traits and a short description of her likes and dislikes. This follows the established pattern of other girl-centric properties like Ever After High in that it gives kids multiple options to attach to instead of the single token girl standing in for all women.
If you want to know more about the girls or Super Hero High, head over to TODAY at 3pm EDT/12pm PDT to find out more!
If you”re going to be at Comic-Con, be sure to stop by either the DCE booth (1915), the Mattel booth (3029), the Warner Bros. booth (4545), or the Random House booth (1515) for limited-edition swag and booklets with more character information!