Exclusive: Wonder Woman teams up with Lois Lane in latest Sensation Comics

DC Comics digital first series, “Sensation Comics featuring Wonder Woman” has carved out an interesting niche for itself in the comic book world. Set solidly outside the New 52 – or any other established canon universe – Sensation Comics allow writers to put the Princess of the Amazons into any scenario they can imagine…without the limitations of the current story arc.

Image Credit: DC Entertainment

Such is the case with Chapter 27, written by YA novelist Cecil Castellucci. “Girls” Day Out” throws two of DC”s most iconic women together. Lois Lane just wanted to interview Wonder Woman but that plan goes out the window when croco-aliens invade.

After the jump, find out what Lois Lane really thinks of Wonder Woman, Superman, and more when she comes under the lasso”s spell while escaping to higher ground!

SENSATION COMICS FEATURING WONDER WOMAN CHAPTER 27 will be available for download on Thursday 3/5 via the DC Comics app, Readdcentertainment.com, ComiXology.com, and wherever else digital comics are sold.