Please Allow This Grown Man To Explain Why He Stormed Off ‘Robot Wars’ After Losing To Children

Robot Wars is the British robot competition reality series that airs on the BBC, which was the original inspiration for the American series Battlebots. Now technically in its ninth season after being revived in 2016, the premise of Robot Wars is fairly simple: teams of people build robots and then have those robots fight each other, until a winner is declared and the loser graciously admits defeat.

That’s what is supposed to happen, anyway, but that’s not what did happen in an episode that aired over the weekend, when a group of four grown men, Team Behemoth, went up against Team Cherub, a group made up of three children accompanied by a guardian. When the judges declared Team Cherub the winner, one member of Team Behemoth — again, a grown-ass man — named Ant, didn’t take the decision well and proceeded to storm off stage like a toddler with a poopy diaper.

In the below clip, Ant blamed his temper tantrum on his teammates, claiming it was the fault of a grabbing component. “The reason I walked out there was because I was so annoyed at the team for making that decision not to go with a guaranteed win,” he explained. “Sometimes it’s best for you to go with what you know works.” And of not — well, you do you, guy.

(Via Sunday Express)