Outside of the recent Superstar Shake-Up, the WWE announce teams have gone through a complete restructuring of their own. Mauro Ranallo reportedly parted ways with the company, leaving behind a vacant seat at the announcer table, and now a second spot will need to be filled. Luckily, this is for much more positive reasons. And by “positive” we mean OH MY GOD LOOK AT THIS:
David Otunga is taking a six-week break from his newly-acquired spot at the Raw announce table to film Katrina (working title). Here’s how WWE.com describes the movie:
“Katrina” is set in 2005 New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina and stars Otunga as edgy DEA agent James “World” Lawson.
An “edgy” DEA agent? His nickname is “World?” FROM DEVASTATION TO BETRAYAL?? It’s like they bought a used word fridge magnet set and had to come up with a film based on the only words that were left. And why is there so much smoke? is his gun on fire? Is his muffler broken? What is happening? I need to know everything about this movie immediately.
The Harvard law-graduate/the one from the Nexus with a cape has already showed off his acting chops with roles in a few films, most notably the Halle Berry vehicle The Call. His recent turn as a strip club bouncer on Criminal Minds even inspired us to do a full dream-casting of pro wrestlers in every cop drama.
While his voice will be missed during the next two months of Raw broadcasts, we at With Spandex are okay with anything that puts more David Otunga into non-wrestling pop culture. Team Johnny forever!