An Unexpected Former World Champion Returned At The Impact Wrestling Tapings

Normally, we would warn you up top that there are Impact Wrestling spoilers incoming, but Impact went ahead and spoiled this news themselves on social media, so I think we’re firmly off the hook here. The former TNA held their latest marathon tapings over the weekend, and during Sunday’s tapings, there was a return that I don’t think anyone ever would have anticipated or guessed.

Yes, noted Shoney’s owner and witness to attempted murder and probably other crimes, Scott Steiner, is once again back in the fold. Before we get into specifics, let’s take a moment to realize that Steiner’s official website is BOOTYDADDY DOT COM, and then please go visit for a glimpse into what happens when you make Scott Steiner’s handlers aware of Angelfire.

Okay, now on to the news.

Not only is Steiner back, but — and now here really do come the spoilers — he’s been inserted into the hottest feud currently happening in Impact Wrestling, which is … uh … between announcers. Heel lead announcer Josh Matthews and babyface would-be lead announcer Jeremy Borash have been going at it, and they’ve agreed to a tag team match at Slammiversary to settle this hash once and for all.

So at Slammiversary, it will be Borash and his attorney, Joseph Park, taking on the team of Matthews and Steiner, for the right to announce Impact Wrestling.

Yep, definitely didn’t anticipate writing that collection of words in that particular order this month. Or ever. Way to go, Impact. You still know how to keep us on our toes after all these years.