Braun Strowman is clearly taking the world by storm these days. Whether he’s choking Triple H, failing to eat a big sandwich, or just doing his normal routine of being reborn from the back of a garbage truck, the man can do it all.
Everyone’s favorite hoss is, unsurprisingly perhaps, a fan of outdoor sports. You may be surprised to learn, however, that Strowman actually has a YouTube show where he talks about guns. The first episode of ‘Monster Arms’ recently dropped on the Gear and Gun Reviews channel, which currently boasts about 3,000 subscribers.
After rattling off some terrifying shots from an automatic rifle augmented with something called the Digi Trigger, Braun introduces himself by his shoot name, Adam Scherr. Then he fires the gun a bunch, talks about how technology is making the automatic rifle world better, and then shoots the gun a bunch more. If you wanna see “Country Strong” in action, watch the clip below.
If Strowman is going to make the effort to have a YouTube show, I think I speak for all of us here at With Spandex that we’d love to see a show where he just eats as much of whatever he wants. After the popularity of his Chipotle order, people would line up to watch Braun take down food challenges across the country. Braun vs. Man vs. Food? Squash, no contest.
Here’s some other free ideas for Braun Strowman’s YouTube career:
- Monster Among Men Among Monsters (Braun does Mystery Science Theater-style commentary over old horror movies)
- The World’s Strowman’s Man (Braun hosts a Bachelor-style dating show where the contestants are all former World’s Strongest Man champions)
- Ambulance Flipper (We’ve seen him literally flip ambulances, but in this web series, Braun buys old ambulances for cheap, refurnishes them with new equipment and then sells them for profit)
What shows would you like to see Braun host? Drop your ideas in the comments!