This Royal Rumble Drinking Game Is A Battle Royal For Your Liver


After months of waiting, the 2018 Royal Rumble is suddenly almost upon us. The most beloved gimmick match of the year, for the first time ever, will be TWO “the most beloved gimmick match of the year,” as there will be both a men’s and women’s Royal Rumble match.

For most pro wrestling fans, this is one of the two times a year — along with WrestleMania — that you’re most likely to throw a viewing party for yourself and your friends, or attend one. Generally, the centerpiece of any good Royal Rumble viewing party is drawing numbers and perhaps wagering real money that one of the numbers you’ve drawn will be the corresponding number of the actual winner of the real Rumble.

But there is another game that you can choose to employ, if you believe you have the intestinal fortitude for just such an endeavor: a Royal Rumble drinking game. And be warned: there are TWO of these hour-long matches this year, so if you are choosing to play this drinking game, uh … you know, make sure to hydrate.

Just like last year’s iteration of the Royal Rumble drinking game, this year’s version and infographic comes to us courtesy of artist Mike Kendrick, who you might also remember from those great Disney princess/WWE mash-ups.

Check out the graphic below, and click here to embiggen.

Mike Kendrick

The best of luck to everyone who will be watching and drinking tonight, and for the sake of you, your liver, and your carpet, I really hope that Dolph Ziggler and Ronda Rousey don’t win. We are not responsible for what happens if you have to four-beers it in the event of a Ziggler victory.