Class photos can often be an enormous pain in the ass. You have to wait politely, keep to yourself and make a point not to spill pudding all over yourself. Not all class photos are a drag, mind you. Marvel Studios showed off a rather impressive one that really drives home how massive the Marvel Cinematic Universe truly is.
Marvel Studios found time to put together a massive “class photo” in celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. A collection of 79 actors and filmmakers from across the MCU got together in October for the picture which features tons of onscreen heroes (like Scarlett Johansson, Chris Evans and Vin Diesel to name a few), as well as the directors and executives that also helped build this blockbuster empire. Heck, Guardians of the Galaxy director James Gunn was happy to share his own photos from the shoot.
“It felt like being at the Academy Awards or something,” shared Marvel’s resident God of Thunder Chris Hemsworth in a lovely bit of video accompanying the picture. “Every person had been in one or all of my favorite films.”
Marvel’s cinematic output is destined to continue to evolve and with new arrivals like Black Panther added to the proceedings, this class photo promises to be even more gargantuan come the 20th anniversary.