Impact Wrestling Wants Twitch Streamers To Be Their Own Commentators Over WrestleMania Weekend

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Twitch is quickly transitioning from a platform on which game streamers can make thousands of dollars in a single session of Fortnite to a place where wrestling micro-communities can gather for some grappling fun. From WWE 2K18 simulations from popular streamers to ridiculous campaign playthroughs of classic WWF or WCW games by teams like New Legacy, there’s no shortage of unique wrestling content on Twitch.

But now, Impact Wrestling is taking the medium and employing something truly innovative — allowing fans to be the commentators of their cross-promotional show with Lucha Underground this weekend. In fact, they’re encouraging fans to ‘cast all the festivities of WrestleCon over WrestleMania weekend.

Here’s Impact’s pitch to ‘casters across the Twitch-verse:

WrestleCon is quite possibly the biggest wrestling fan event known to man, and it’s kicking off on Twitch this week on April 5. In the spirit of celebrating fandom, we’re putting the power of the microphone directly into your hands by enabling co-streaming for all of IMPACT!’s WrestleCon coverage, including the Lucha Underground vs IMPACT! event.

When you co-stream, don’t forget to include #ImpactWrestling in the stream title and make sure any VODs aren’t being saved. A big man in spandex told us this is important, so we’re going to believe him.

Add your own color to the commentary, try your hand at play-by-play casting, or just hang out with your own community. Whatever you do, join us when it all kicks off this Thursday.

Over the last year, Twitch has partnered up with Impact, WrestleCircus, House of Hardcore and a slew of others, so perhaps this is just the beginning of the great pro wrestling crowd-sourced broadcaster movement. It’s awesome to see a company thinking about the future and allowing communities to come together and enjoy wrestling together, how they want.