Tampa’s Out Here Trying To Host A Future WrestleMania

Via YouTube

We know WWE’s headed back to New York (New Jersey) for 2019’s WrestleMania 35 — with a Ronda Rousey main event, even — and that the UK and Los Angeles are rumored locations for 2020’s WrestleMania 36. After that, who knows?

A report this week from the Tampa Bay Times claims Tampa, Florida, is one of the cities looking to make a serious bid for a future WrestleMania. WrestleMania 39-41, to be precise. From the report:

Tampa Bay Sports Commission executive director Rob Higgins announced Thursday evening his group is set to submit a bid Friday to hold Wrestlemania — World Wrestling Entertainment’s signature event — at Raymond James Stadium in 2023, ’24 or ’25.

“I think it’s something we’ve been taking a hard look at for quite some time,” Higgins said Thursday evening at the Sneaker Soiree, an annual celebration of bay area sports held by his group.

“Naturally, we think with the rich tradition of professional wrestling in our community, with so many (WWE stars) who live here, with how much passion there is for professional wrestling, that it makes a lot of sense to try to host the premier event in Wrestlemania.”

They also mention that Tampa is planning to bid for a Royal Rumble in either 2022 or 2023, which is probably more doable if WWE’s settling on a “Florida, New Orleans, New York, California, Texas” loop for future Manias. We’ll keep you updated with any further information, but until then, please enjoy this very Tampa-friendly WWE backstage compilation of Buccaneers Jameis Winston and Donovan Smith handing out pointy letters to the Superstars.