The Russo Brothers Have Revealed The One ‘Infinity War’ Character They’d Have Saved From Thanos’ Snap


The highly anticipated Avengers 4 trailer (and official title) still hasn’t arrived, and Marvel might be guilty of trolling-teasing on the matter. Still, the Russo Brothers held the Collider Infinity War screening and Q&A as planned on Wednesday night, and in the process, they disclosed which character that they wish they could have saved from Thanos’ genocidal snap and dusting.

Only one, you say? That’s a potentially tough question. Some of us (*cough*) would have immediately picked Bucky Barnes/The Winter Soldier or Groot (c’mon, have we all forgotten that final word already?), but Joe and Anthony agreed with the fan favorite pick. You know, the character who’s currently spawning spinoffs at Sony before that studio’s lead-in film has even arrived. That would be Peter Parker/Spider-Man, who recaptured teen and adult hearts everywhere while admitting, “Mr. Stark, I don’t feel so good.”

As revealed by Slash Film’s Peter Sciretta at the Q&A, the directing duo spoke “as fans” while answering the inquiry.

Other pertinent answers from the Russos included “an example of a fake scene” that they used to deter spoilers before release. Believe it or not, the duo stated that they had Gamora kill Thanos (by tossing him off the cliff) during the Soul Stone confrontation. Sciretta remarked, “I’m not even sure if they are kidding,” which is a solid suspicion. That would have rendered a significant chunk of the film useless (and removed most of its emotional core), but hey, it’s also possible that fans wouldn’t have been furious at Star-Lord if this scene had come to pass. Or Star-Lord would still be kinda insufferable. Poor guy.

Notably, the Russos declined to answer any questions about the Avengers 4 trailer. And the wait continues.