Roman Reigns Thinks WWE Should Have An Offseason


In an interview published by Talksport, Roman Reigns gave his opinions on some big WWE talking points. Given that the Big Dog is known to be a locker room leader and Company Guy, it’s unsurprising that some of them were a little vague. However, Reigns, who recently returned to the ring after about four months away battling cancer, was straightforward when he said he believes it would benefit WWE to have an offseason.

We do it the way we do it, and I’m never opposed to trying something new. This formula has worked and Sports Entertainment is a ‘what have you done for me lately’ industry. Unfortunately, we don’t have an off-season like most sports or other kinds of forms of entertainment or competition but, you know, I think if we could make it work, it would give a great benefit to our performers and our fans as well. It would definitely give our performers another couple of months if not a full quarter to rest and recover, not only just from a physical standpoint, but creatively.

When you go year-round, we’re always trying to evolve, trying to grow as far as our stories and our character goes and when you’re doing it over and over and over it can be tough. I think that’s what makes WWE and its superstars so tough and it’s an accomplishment to get to where we are. Only we can handle this and we’ve proved it, so it’s just a part of the gig. I don’t think it’s something that shouldn’t be looked into, but if the schedule stays the same I’m gonna be the guy that’ll run it.

Reigns also answer questions about his SHIELD brother Dean Ambrose asking for his release from WWE and his cousins the Usos not renewing their contracts yet. His general statement about whether he feels the need to convince people to stay with the company was:

These situations where the business comes up and I’m always for giving advice, giving my perspective and what I might do in that situation, but when it comes down to it this is business and these men are businessmen and they’re going to have to take care of themselves and get the numbers and the years on the contracts that they want.

Obviously, in my locker room, I want the very best performers and young men around me, but I honestly think that’s on them to know what’s going to make them happy, where they want to be and what’s going to bring that satisfaction to themselves, because at the end of the day, only we know what we want as an individual, as a person.

Though he described the initial news of Ambrose’s departure, which he found out about from social media, as “a big shock,” Reigns ultimately didn’t sound too surprised about the Lunatic Fringe’s decision to leave the company.

I’ve always known Ambrose and we’ve talked about it – he likes to stay unpredictable. He likes to march to the beat of his own drum and I know one thing is, he just wants to be happy. He’s kind of always been preparing to get to a point where he doesn’t have to rely on anybody and we’ve been fortunate enough to have a crazy rollercoaster ride and such a great job over the past few years and we’ve been fortunate enough to secure ourselves. So, I’m not surprised because I know if he wants a break or needs a break he’s going to take it and do it his way.