Vocal Anti-Vaxxer Marjorie Taylor Greene Owns Stock In All Three Major Vaccine Companies

Like most hyper-partisan Republicans in Congress, Marjorie Taylor Greene has a been fierce critic of the COVID vaccine and basically any sort of pandemic restrictions. (She’s reportedly racked up an insanely large amount of fines for refusing to mask on the House floor.) However, despite being such a vocal anti-vaxxer that she was suspended from Twitter for spreading misinformation earlier in the year, Greene doesn’t seem to have a problem with owning stock in three major pharmaceutical companies who make the COVID vaccine.

Via Business Insider:

Greene holds stock in AstraZeneca, Pfizer, and Johnson & Johnson, each worth between $1,000 and $15,000, according to an August 13, 2020, filing from Greene with the clerk of the House of Representatives.

The discovery was made as part of Insider’s Conflicted Congress project, which revealed that multiple US lawmakers held stock in vaccine makers as the pandemic raged in 2020.

Earlier in the year, Greene told Insider, “I have an independent investment advisor that has full discretionary authority on my accounts. I do not direct any trades.” While that may be true, it speaks to Greene’s hypocrisy that she hasn’t made an effort to divest herself of the stocks considering her stance that the vaccines are a societal evil.

Just this past weekend, Greene told a crowd at the Turning Points USA AmericaFest, “I’m not vaccinated, and they’re going to have a hell of a time if they want to hold me down and give me a vaccine.” And, yet, she doesn’t seem to mind profiting from those vaccines.

(Via Business Insider)