Anonymous Has Claimed To Have Hacked Into Russian CCTV With A Deadly Serious Message About Putin

Vladimir Putin’s war on Ukraine is having devastating effects in terms of human casualties (both on the Ukrainian civilian and Russian soldiers fronts), and although economic sanctions will also come as a hit, the Russian elite must be awfully annoyed. They’ve been losing their fancy yachts, and Putin’s own Botox supply now sits in jeopardy. Likewise, he must be irritated as heck by hacktivist collective group Anonymous waging cyber war on him while hacking into TV stations and blasting battle footage to let Russian citizens know what’s really happening.

Now Anonymous hackers claim to have breached Russian CCTV while spreading the word that Putin’s war is literally killing children. At least 100 kids have been killed during Putin’s bombing of Ukraine, and Vice relays screenshots (some of which read, “Putin is killing children”) from Anonymous’ claimed breach of CCTV throughout Russia.

:352 Ukraine civilians dead. Russians lied to Slava Ukraini! Hacked by Anonymous,” the message displayed on the feeds says. is another site posting information about Russian soldiers in Ukraine.

Meanwhile, CNN has been reporting that Anonymous hackers (who are obviously anonymous by nature) are also working to break through Putin’s “digital iron curtain.” If and when it happens, we’ll surely hear more.

(Via Motherboard & CNN)