‘The Boys’ Showrunner Eric Kripke Had The Best Addition To The ‘We Will Adopt Your Baby’ Memes

In the aftermath of the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade, white evangelical couples gleefully capitalized on abortion rights being scattered to the wind by posting photos of themselves with either signs or captions that read, “We will adopt your baby.” On top of completely failing to read the room, the whole thing was super creepy, and it didn’t take long for the couples to start getting roasted on social media.

To combat the bleak and depressing undertones of Christian couples having zero chill about already laying claim to unborn fetuses, “We will adopt your baby” quickly became a hilarious meme that dominated Twitter following the confirmation of Roe v. Wade being overturned. In a fitting move, The Boys got in on the act, which only further cemented the show’s status as a brutal satire of America’s political and pop culture landscape.

Series creator Eric Kripke posted a photo of Homelander (Antony Starr) and Stormfront (Aya Cash) with the “We will adopt your baby” caption, and it’s an absolutely perfect addition. Kripke understood the assignment. In the show, the public views Homelander and Stormfront as an idol-worthy superhero power couple, but in reality, he’s a psychotic, murderous man-child and she’s a literal Nazi. Essentially, the last two people who should adopt the baby. (The less we talk about Homelander’s parenting, the better.)

You can see some more “We will adopt your baby” memes below because, again, people really did not appreciate creepy couples announcing their baby-snatching intentions on the heels of a mass loss in women’s rights. Not cool.



(Via Eric Kripke on Twitter)