With Thanksgiving less than a week away, the holiday season is officially upon us. And December will be here before you know it. If you’re Donald Trump, that means it’s time to start wishing a “Merry Christmas” to everyone — even if you don’t celebrate the holiday. If you’re Melania, you might offer someone a snide “Merry F***ing Christmas,” then complain about it later.
While the former First Couple may no longer be able to force their garish holiday aesthetics on the White House, they can attempt to profit from the holiday from the diehard MAGAs who still believe in what they’re selling. And what Donald is selling, literally, is a festive $40 roll of Christmas wrapping paper that tells Joe Biden to go f**k himself. Because the former president is classy like that.
As Raw Story reports, Team Trump’s latest money-making scheme combines three of his favorite things: Christmas, grifting, and insulting the man who beat him in the 2020 presidential election. New York Magazine’s Margaret Hartmann was clued into the former president’s latest scheme via a fundraising email, which she wrote about on Thursday:
Following a protracted battle with my spam filter, a few months ago I finally started receiving the emails I signed up for at DonaldTrump.com. It has been a delight. Every few days I get a message with some bit of ‘URGENT NEWS’ from my ‘favorite president.’ On one very exciting week in early October, I got messages from both Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner. Regardless of which Trump is reaching out, the emails always end with a personal invitation to give them money, which I find very on-brand.
Was I flattered to learn that Trump considers me one of his ‘Best supporters,’ despite the fact that I’ve never actually given him a dime? Sure,” continued Hartmann. “But 40 DOLLARS for a single roll of ‘Let’s Go Brandon’ wrapping paper? I guess Trumps can afford to drop that much on rude wrapping paper, but I usually snatch up generic holiday gift wrap at HomeGoods for $3 a roll. To make matters worse, it’s not even cute or clever ‘fuck the president’ wrapping paper. For a donation of just $5 more, the National Republican Senatorial Committee will send me two rolls of this adorable paper featuring Trump in a Santa hat and the phrase ‘Don’t Be a Snowflake.'”
Not to be outdone, Melania is also getting in on the gifting grifting. The recent Christmas convert is selling her own line of ornaments with inspirational, and grammatically incorrect, messages like: Be Best.
(Via Raw Story)