Bill Maher And Greg Gutfeld Talking About What Imagery They Like To Masturbate To Is The Video No One Asked For

If you’ve ever wondered who or what Bill Maher and/or Greg Gutfeld are thinking about when they masturbate — and let’s face it, who among us hasn’t thought about that at some point — you’re in luck. Because the Real Time host invited Fox News’ late-night firebrand to sit down with him for a wide-ranging conversation on Maher’s “Club Random” podcast. As Mediaite reports, alcohol was consumed, cigars were smoked, spank bank material was revealed, and Gutfeld made an important distinction between incest porn and jerking off to your stepmom.

The unfortunate conversation began when Maher admitted that he “could never jerk off to a movie that took place like in the Middle Ages,” because he likes to keep things real — yes, even when he’s shaking hands with the milkman. And because he has never lived in the Middle Ages, such self-abuse would be highly unsatisfactory to the actor/comedian/politico.

“When I jerk off, it has to be connected to something that could actually happen,” Maher explained.”[S]o if I’m watching a hot chick in a movie about that takes place in the year 1132, there’s no way I can actually f**k that chick. I need to get a time machine.”

Gutfeld didn’t need any further explanation — or a TARDIS — to respond in kind. He popped right in with some sex stats that no one should just randomly know:

“That’s why the number one thing on Pornhub is step… was it stepmoms? Because… there’s millions of families with teenage boys and stepmothers. So the number one thing on Pornhub… it’s all like stepmother/ stepdad stuff.”

This is certainly an odd stat to have at the ready, but there you have it.

When Maher referred to that as “incest,” Gutfeld seemed to be an expert on the topic and was quick to correct him. “No, no, they’re not related,” said the Fox News personality. “It’s like if you ever all of a sudden… your dad marries this 23-year-old hot, whatever. She’s not related to you.”

Thanks for the clarification, Greg. You can watch the full conversation above; the sex talk begins around the 50:00 mark.

(Via Mediaite)