Hot Ladies and Fat Cats Are Also Occupying Wall Street

Unquestionably, the best thing to come out of the Occupy Wall Street movement have been the laffs
generated by the internet over the whole thing. Memes like #OccupySesameStreet and Hipster Cop have provided welcome comic relief to balance out the tensions derived from people yelling at each other on cable news over it.
So I’m glad to introduce you guys two more #OWS-related bits of internet goodness I found on Tumblr today: Fat Cats on Wall Street, a collection of fat cats photoshopped into #OWS protest pics, and Hot Chicks of Occupy Wall Street, which should be pretty self-explanatory. Rotund felines and attractive ladies — what more could the internet ask for?!
Since both a) Tumblrs are brand spanking new without a lot of content at this point and b) I don’t have time to do two separate posts, I’m combining a few of my favorite selections from both into a small gallery. The aforementioned gallery is after the jump. Enjoy.