It’s surprising that it’s taken this long for Internet hero Jennifer Lawrence to inspire a meme. Even Allison Williams had her moment in the sun* (*the sun is actually a fluorescent bulb in a lamp on a wobbly desk in an otherwise-dark room in a blogger’s home). But the meme time is here, and it originates from the oddest of source: Jennifer Lawrence’s wrapped white-and-black from the Golden Globes.
Not to be outdone, the Jennifer Lawrence of the early 2000s, Christina Ricci, also has a meme to call her own. It involves putting something small into something big, which Ricci should be used to. *gives a confused high-five* I may have just watched Black Snake Moan…Anyway, please enjoy Lawrencing and Riccing.
Riccing (beginning with the original)
It’s close, but this one’s gotta go to Jennifer Lawrence, because Jennifer Lawrence > everything/anyone.