Notorious Copyright Trolls Get The U.S. Marshals Sicced On Them

You remember Righthaven? The guys going around and suing message boards and forums for daring, DARING, to copy four paragraphs of a news article? Those guys? Yeah, the po-leece are coming to beat them up and take their stuff.

Well, just take their stuff, but it’s still pretty funny: after suing everybody they could find, Righthaven got smacked with a $67,000 judgment. Since this wasn’t supposed to be how this whole “legalized extortion” thing actually works, they refused to pay, so a federal court has told the U.S. Marshal’s service to go get the money and to use, and we quote, “reasonable force” if necessary. Just to clarify, this means that the guy they lost the court judgment against can literally walk in and strip their office to the walls if they don’t have the cash to cover the fine and the U.S. Marshals will help him do it.

Righthaven, if you’re reading, we’ve got a song you can sing for them, after the jump…