Move Over Golden-Voiced Hobo, Make Room For The Moviefone McDonald’s Employee

It feels like we first met Ted Williams, AKA “The Golden-Voiced Hobo,” a decade ago, but it has only been about three years since that guy had his crazy 15 minutes of fame. You’ll recall that Williams went from living on the street to Internet superstardom with job offers pouring in like crazy and a new home with furniture made of stacks of cash all because he had an incredible and shockingly awesome radio DJ voice. But then, like any great Internet success story, he had a huge fight with his daughter and wound up in rehab. U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!

This week, the new Voice of YouTube may have been discovered in this young man working the drive-thru at an unknown McDonald’s. He certainly does a great Moviefone or strip club DJ voice, as one YouTube commenter suggests, but I’m not quite sure he’s on the Golden-Voiced Hobo’s level just yet. Still, if this guy doesn’t become a viral superstar by next week and wind up in an actual McDonald’s commercial by the end of the Winter Olympics, I will eat an entire meal at McDonald’s. Trust me, I’m pulling for this guy.

(Banner via mtkang /, H/T to 96.5 The Fox)