Everybody Lose Your Sh*t Because ‘Pushing Daisies’ Is Coming Back As A Movie Or Musical!

OK, take a deep breaths, everybody. Apparently we are this close to having Pushing Daisies — the most whimsi-twee-tastic series ever — back in our lives. And by this close I mean that there are some very vague but also very promising talks of a film and/or a musical in the works. Granted, there have been individual rumors of both a film and a musical in the past, but if the internet is good for nothing else, it’s to get your hopes ridiculously swelled for the return of your favorite cancelled series which may or may not ever happen. From The Huffington Post:

Bryan Fuller, the creator of the beloved detective series, mentioned that he met with Barry Sonnenfeld (who won an Emmy for directing a “Pushing Daisies” episode) about financing a film version of the show. Fuller also revealed that he had spoken with Kristin Chenoweth about developing the series as a stage musical.

According to Broadway World, Fuller said, “We’re working on something that is definitely a ‘Pushing Daisies’ revival, and the idea would be to have as many cast as we can to participate in it.” Whether the reunion is on the screen or stage remains to be seen, but either way this is a great news for fans of the series which sadly only ran for two seasons.

I think either of these ideas sound amazing. I’m not a musical person AT ALL but I would haul my ass to NYC and watch the sh*t out of a Pushing Daisies Broadway show. And as for a film, well — I’ve always thought that Pushing Daisies almost seemed too “big” for the television screen, with its vibrant colors and breathtaking visuals. Sigh

In the meantime, here is something to hold you over: