You Can Now Get Star Wars-Themed Cheeseburgers In France

A French fast food chain (Yes, such a thing apparently exists) is introducing a line of Star Wars-themed burgers. While I’m not sure how they beat the American burger chains to this, I’m positive that it will make George Lucas’ wallet, among other things, fatter.

Quick, a fast food chain from France and Belgium, has created Star Wars themed burgers in honor of the upcoming 3D release of Star Wars Episode I 3D. The Dark Burger, the Jedi Burger, and the Dark Vador Burger. Yeah, they’re calling it Dark Vador…The burgers will be available from Jan. 31 to March 1 in French and Belgian locations.

This may be the best thing to come out of France since, well, the French fry.

(HT: The Daily What)