The Self-Proclaimed ‘Virgin Whore’ Sold Her Virginity Online For $800,000

Say hello to Elizabeth Raine again. Well, “Elizabeth Raine,” the moniker the 28-year-old medical student goes by on her blog, Musings of a Virgin Whore. She’s understandably wary of giving our her real name, because she put her virginity up for auction online. Why?

At the ripe age of 28, virginity fits me like a glove. It is unexpected and unconventional, yet exhilarating and empowering. Now, having made the decision to sell my virginity, I cannot imagine losing it in any other way. This blog is the true and intimate story of my modern-day virginity auction. (Via)

SPOILER ALERT: she found someone.

The bidding closed yesterday as planned (high bid was $801,000)… (Via)

But there was a twist!

…but I am here to tell you that the terms of the auction will not be fulfilled. With the blessings of my management and the high bidders, I have decided to put a stop to this kerfuffle (to describe it nicely) and return my focus to my medical training. I still do possess some spitefully strong beliefs about virginity, prostitution, and a woman’s right to do as she damned pleases, but school is my first priority (as it has been for my entire life). At this point, I no longer care about the auction, at all. This was a very easy decision. (Via)

Some creepy sheik’s son is very upset right now.

Via Musings of a Virgin Whore