“Shaun of the Dead” and “Hot Fuzz” are two very, very funny movies that combine genres that shouldn’t work together (romantic slacker comedy and zombie movie, and psychological thriller and idiot buddy cop movie, respectively) and turn them into sheer genius. But Edgar Wright, Simon Pegg, and Nick Frost have all been in pretty heavy demand on their own, and we despaired of ever seeing them together again.
Well, apparently they heard our cries of sadness, because they’re getting back together for “The World’s End”.
Apparently it’s about five childhood friends getting together to go on a bar crawl, ending with a visit to the pub “The World’s End”.
Although, if rumors are to be believed…the title isn’t just figurative. The world really is at stake. AICN hints that there’s something to do with the Cold War in the movie, but we’ll know for sure spring 2013.
Of course, this means “Ant-Man” is delayed. Again. But, hey, at least it’s for a good cause.
image courtesy Edgar Wright’s Twitter, with a little revision.