Brighten Your Day With This Super Fun Tail-Wagging Pool Party For Dogs

Lakeview Park in Nampa, Idaho hold an annual “Pooch Pool Party” every year on the last day the pool is open to raise money for their dog park. The event — which costs $25 to register and includes a one mile dog walk — was held on August 23rd this year. Going by this video of happy dogs splashing around, it seems like the event was a rousing success. My old pooch will be nearly 14-years-old by the time of next year’s party (plus Nampa Idaho is a 36 hour drive, according to Google Maps), but in her younger years she would have loved the crap out of something like this.

So, really nice event supporting a local dog park, happy dogs having fun. How would you like to ruin this feel good moment, top YouTube comment?

le redditarmy

Why are everyone in US so fat?

Well, I don’t know le redditarmy — why are everyone outside of US English not good? Oh yeah. Nailed it.

(Via Digg)