Louis C.K. On Joan Rivers’ Death: ‘It Really F*cking Sucks’

All of Hollywood is currently mourning the passing of Joan Rivers. She was a legend in the world of comedy, a brutally honest fashion critic on her show Fashion Police and, apparently, a good friend of comedian Louis C.K. Rivers passed away earlier today after being in a medically induced coma for the better part of a week following a routine endoscopy. While friends and family have been releasing statements and tweeting fond memories of the brazen, unapologetic comic genius, Louis C.K.’s heartfelt statement on his mentor’s tragic death pretty much sums up how we all feel about losing one of the funniest women on the planet:

I feel very lucky that I knew Joan Rivers and I feel very sad that she’s gone. She was a great comedian and a wonderful person. I never saw someone attack a stage with so much energy. She was a controlled lightning bolt. She was a prolific and unpredictable, joyful joke writer. She loved comedy. She loved the audience. She was a great actress and should have done that more. She loved living and working. She was kind. She was real. She was brave. She was funny and you just wanted to be around her. I looked up to her.  I learned from her. I loved her. I liked her.  And I already miss her very much. It really f—ing sucks that she had to die all of a sudden.

To end on a lighter note, here’s Rivers and Louis C.K. getting their freak on during Season 2 of Louie:

Via The Hollywood Reporter