Human beings are obsessed with sex. It’s one of our basic needs. And, as anybody who is on the Internet for more than thirty seconds can attest, we’re pretty weird about it. But how weird, precisely, are our fantasies? That’s what a bunch of Canadians set out to discover.
Specifically, according to Business Insider, a team from the University of Montreal sat down 1517 residents of Quebec and asked them to rate statements on a scale of one to seven, one being “Dear God no” and seven being “oh God yes.” The results?
Canadians are blandly perverted! The full table is about what you’d expect, and in fact comes straight out of a hacky comedian routine. Both genders have high levels of wanting some romance in with the sex, and honestly, most of this stuff isn’t really all that weird in general. Still, there are a few problems, not the least of which is that this relies on self-reporting, which is notoriously unreliable.
Probably one of the most suspect items is that “Two men making love” is under 20% for both genders, which, uh, yeah, fanfic websites indicate quite the opposite, ladies. Needless to say, the far more disgusting stuff that’s actually illegal rated quite lowly, except for, er, “I have fantasized about sexually abusing someone who was drunk, asleep, or unconscious”, which ranked at 22% for the men in the study. Uh, Quebec? NO.
In short, most of what you’ve fantasized about is fairly commonplace and utterly normal. Or that you should stay far, far away from Quebec, which is an equally valid scientific conclusion, but for entirely different reasons.