The New Hampshire Lottery Combines Winning Money With That Great Bacon Smell

Delicious bacon

Over the next week, representatives of the New Hampshire Lottery are heading out to entice people to try their chances at a new dollar scratch-off game by appealing to one of our universal true loves – bacon. They’ll be giving away free slices of bacon with the “I Heart Bacon” lottery tickets that went on sale back on January 5, and the fun doesn’t simply end with a free snack and the 391,800:1 odds of winning the $1,000 grand prize. That’s because when people have long since devoured their strips of pork and scratched away that silver mess on the ticket to reveal their wasted dollars, they’ll still be enjoying the smell of delicious bacon.

You see, these lottery tickets are bacon-scented.

“The (NH) Lottery is focused on developing new and fun ways to engage customers. The I Heart Bacon scratch ticket combines two things people love: the chance to win cash and the wonderful, enticing smell of bacon,” said Charlie McIntyre, executive director of the New Hampshire Lottery Commission. (Via WMUR)

That is certainly a lottery executive with his finger on the pulse of the times. I’m looking forward to New Hampshire’s eventual new scratch-off games involving Kate Upton in a bikini, dogs dressed as people, Game of Thrones, Too Many Cooks, and if there’s an all-powerful deity pulling strings for us somewhere out there… the “Here’s a Free Huge Bag of Money” game.