It’s Time To Settle Which Country Has The Best Mac N’ Cheese Variety: Canada Or The USA

Kraft Dinner or Kraft Mac ‘N’ Cheese is one of those kitchen staples that everybody seems to love from their childhood. It’s a nostalgic treat that’s still popular today, hiring golden voiced hobos to read commercials and filling store shelves everywhere.

But did you know there was a difference between what we have here in America and what haunts the grocery aisles north of the border? I certainly didn’t until I saw this video. In it we have some hilarious folks taking part in a blind taste test to determine which variety of Kraft processed box food is the best. I think the video speaks for itself, so I’d rather come to my own conclusions and say neither.

Unless you’re being forced at gunpoint to eat this, please just make yourself some actual macaroni and cheese. Boil some water, buy some cheeses, add in the butter and milk, and go to town. I don’t think that’s a snooty, highbrow, or elitist suggestion, plus it still allows you to cut up hot dogs and add them to the mix. Treat yo’ self.

(Via Buzzfeed Video)