The Los Angeles Police Department is currently investigating the fatal car crash on Saturday involving Bruce Jenner’s vehicle and several others. The accident, which happened along the Pacific Coast Highway, resulted in the death of one of the drivers.
According to the Los Angeles Times, “Officials said there is no indication that paparazzi played a role in the crash.” However, the precise story of what happened oh the PCH is really, really unfortunate for all parties involved — except, for course, for the celebrity-stalking photographers:
A woman driving northbound in a Toyota Prius slowed down or stopped for reasons that were unclear. A woman driving a Lexus sedan rear-ended the Prius.
Jenner, who was driving a black Cadillac Escalade sport utility vehicle that was hauling a trailer carrying an off-road vehicle, then rear-ended the Lexus.
The impact propelled the Lexus into oncoming traffic, where a Hummer traveling southbound slammed into the Lexus. The driver of the Lexus, whom authorities declined to identify, died at the scene. Both the front and rear ends of the Lexus were severely damaged.
Meanwhile, investigators are combing through Jenner’s mobile phone records (and those of others involved) to figure out exactly what happened any why. Jenner, likely because of his celebrity status and the paparazzi posse in pursuit, remains the focus of these efforts:
Jenner passed a field sobriety test and took a blood-alcohol test, Brooks said. The results were not immediately available. Investigators plan to examine his mobile phone records to see whether he was using the phone when the crash occurred.
Aside from a few minors cuts and bruises, no one else was seriously injured in the crash. That’s especially good news, considering the above description sounds like something out of a Michael Bay film.
(Via Los Angeles Times)