Earlier today, actress Sofia Vergara broke People en Español‘s Facebook page when she participated in a live chat with fans. Vergara was on hand to promote her own line of fragrance, give free product away to a few lucky individuals, and answer questions as they came in. So of course someone asked her about whether or not she’d ever been asked to do porn, and if asked, would she consider it?
If you guessed “no,” you’d be right. However, Vergara’s specific response is comedy bronze:
Arq-Alcides Cujia Bernal: Ola Sofia en algún momento de tu vida te han propuesto hacer un vídeo porno
Sofia Vergara: no… el mono sabe a que palo se monta… quien me conoce sabe que yo de eso nada de nada….
Bernal asks Vergara if “at sometime in [her] life” she’d ever been “asked to make a porn film.” Her candid response? “No…the monkey knows what stick it mounts…those who know me know that I don’t do any of that.”
TIL monkeys like to play with fireman’s poles.
(Via Facebook)