Whether photographing animals in the wild or in a lab, photographers and filmmakers should always be prepared for the unexpected. They might capture a weasel trying to murder a woodpecker mid-flight, as was the case earlier today. For Reddit user WattersonBill, however, a much friendlier scenario occurred when his subject stole his camera and took matters into its own hands. Erm, tentacles.
During a photo session, the subject in question — an octopus in a tank — decided to investigate the submerged camera that had invaded its sacred space. According to the filmmaker:
For those who are curious- despite the white coat, I am not a scientist, I’m a filmmaker making a video about the sciences at Middlebury College.
Not long after putting the camera into the tank, its automatic feature attracted the octopus’s attention. In other words, the cephalopod grew tired of this human’s sh*t and stole the camera from its perch.
The curious creature quickly turned the clicking contraption around in its tank, which resulted in a few photos of the budding filmmaker. Most were blurry and unusable because, well, octopuses don’t know how in the hell to operate a camera. Despite this, one focused shot resulted:
More photos are available from the encounter on Imgur. Reddit being Reddit, a few readers couldn’t pass up the chance to compliment the photographer on his dashingly handsome demeanor:
Nicekicksbro: And a handsomish one at that.
WattersonBill: Aww, you flatter me!
Of course, it’s Reddit, so most of the “aww” was showered on the mollusk.
(Via Reddit)