Brian Klawiter is just trying to be a constitutional hero, everyone. After proclaiming on his Facebook page that his auto shop, Dieseltec, would refuse to serve customers who were openly gay, it was revealed that he didn’t have the business license needed to operate his business legally. Why? Because he said that being required to hold a business license violated his constitutional rights.
So, if we’re all keeping track, he thinks it’s totally fine to discriminate against gay customers and violate their 14th Amendment rights, but it’s not okay to violate his First Amendment rights (his homophobic “religious” beliefs) or his Fourth Amendment rights, which would allow city inspectors to enter his business without a warrant. Here was his argument when he appeared before the Grandville, Mich. city council in January:
“This is a blatant and intentioned violation of the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution,” Klawiter told the council on Jan. 26. “I dispute your lawful ability to do what you claim. I will not sign the application. I cannot and will not give up my civil rights, especially when requested by a government entity for which the Constitution was designed to limit the power of.
“Would you sign something giving me the right to search your home as I pleased?”
In case you’re wondering if his auto shop does, indeed, require a business license, I checked that for you, and if Dieseltec is an auto body shop, then it does, unless all it does is change oil. So, maybe Klawiter needs to loosen his tinfoil hat and drop the $100 one-time fee on the damn license. The fine for not having a license is $50, but no one has tried making him pay it because he’s been all the hell over the internet lately, and it might look unseemly on the part of the city.
But maybe we should cut him a break because Dieseltec’s Yelp page is just teeming with hate. And a big-titted Satan.
Source: MLive