Anne Hathaway Talks About The Catsuit

Following shortly after the rumor that Catwoman might be a stripper in The Dark Knight Rises comes an interview Anne Hathaway gave MTV about the first look photo (above) released last week. She admitted to reading some of the online reactions, and had a response to the crayon drawings we sent her of us all chilling in a hot tub the mainstream press write-ups about the photo:

“What I am happy to say is, if you didn’t like the photo, you only see about a 10th of what that suit can do. And if you did like the photo, you have excellent taste.” [MTV]

The other 90% of what the suit can do? Destroying cameras:

Catwoman’s stunt double barreled through a super-expensive IMAX camera […] It’s unclear who messed up — the stunt-double or the cameraman — but either way, the camera appeared to be blown to smithereens. [TMZ]

The video of that accident is here (UPDATE: and also embedded below), and Hathaway’s full interview with MTV is below (all 44 seconds of it). I want to get Hathaway saying “meh” as my ringtone and put it on a soundboard to click repeatedly while reading my RSS feed.