Funny, Sexy, And Awesome Cosplay Of The Week

Norman Reedus of The Walking Dead posing with Walking Dead cosplayers. More pictures here.

It’s that time of the week where we post a mixed bag of intriguing costumes we spotted recently. Some of it’s new; some of it isn’t; all of it is worth highlighting.

Are you a cosplayer or cosplay photographer who would like to be featured on Gamma Squad? Upload your photos to our Flickr group to be considered.

Onward to the gallery:

(Click pictures to enlarge.)

More pictures at GeeksAreSexy.

Rodin from Bayonetta photographed by Boo Radlus

“Miss Piggy is going to be pissed off” — gaviinnansoong

Black Widow cosplayed by Crystal Graziano and photographed by Big White Bazooka [via]

Echow88 as Elyos (Mastarius Set) from Aion Online [via]

Beethy photographed tarotea (Yasemin Arslan), the official model for Lilith in Borderlands 2. More pictures at FashionablyGeek.

“My brother just came back from Vegas, and the only pic he’s posted on his facebook was this.” — DerpGhost

The amazing thing may be that this is our third drunk Garfield in a cosplay post. Drunk Garfields are kind of a thing.

Zatanna cosplayed by DJ Spider. [via]
