Arthur Boorman injured his back and knees during multiple jumps as a paratrooper in the first Gulf War. For years, his doctors told him he’d never walk without the assistance of braces and canes. Then Boorman read an article about “Diamond” Dallas Page doing yoga and decided to give Page’s yoga program a try. He sent an email to Page asking for advice, and the two started an email and phone call exchange to help Boorman improve his balance and exercise in a low-impact way to lose weight.
Boorman dropped 140 pounds in ten months (3.25 pounds per week) and improved his flexibility and balance each day. In less than a year, he was able to walk without assistance.
Check out the video below to see what all the daytime news shows will be talking about next week when they finally catch on to this inspirational turnaround. We might even be inspired to get up from our couches and put on pants today. Seriously, we have no excuse. This guy makes our laziness all the more apparent.
We defy you not to cry at 3:30 onward: