The House Democratic Interns Respond To Paul Ryan’s Selfie With Their Own Photo


Just a few days back, House Speaker (and apparent GOP health monitor) Paul Ryan proudly displayed a selfie on Instagram with the GOP’s collection of Capital Hill interns. Can we see that again?

Ryan was pretty jazzed about the picture, but not everyone was nutty about the image. The blindingly white makeup of the interns earned a blend of criticism and gleeful mockery online and is probably the last thing the party needs with Republican nominee Donald Trump currently polling at zero percent in Ohio and Pennsylvania with black voters. (Not that Iowa congressman Steve King did the party any favors this week.)

As you might expect, Democrats were happy to pounce on Ryan’s selfie and respond. Yesterday, congresswoman and political veteran E.B. Johnson gladly showcased a picture from her intern Audra Jackson that presented her party’s interns as a group with far more diversity.

The Dems haven’t been shy about taking a pop or twenty at the GOP this week and this is another. As the RNC continues to roll on in Cleveland, there’s no reason to believe that the Democrats won’t continue to attempt to capitalize on any big gaffes from their opponents, and you can expect the opposite to be true when the Democratic National Convention takes place next week in Philadelphia.